Inspired by Bulgaria's wonderful nature, a great idea came to life.
The idea to create cold-pressed oil from our locally grown rosehip.
Starting from a small garage, learning from our mistakes and steadily
increasing our knowledge - we have come a long way.
More than 15 years later, we have widely expanded our product range.
Our latest investment in building a dedicated factory has led to even further quality improvements.
Since then the "Ecola" cold-pressed oils are being sold on every continent.
And "Ecola" still remains a family-run business, Inspired by Bulgaria's wonderful nature.
The selection
We believe that technology is not enough when it comes to creating an outstanding product. Thats why we're carefully selecting and handling the fruits - so you can enjoy our Certified Organic cold-pressed oils to the fullest.
" Make no compromises "
The technology and quality control
We are using the latest cold-pressing technology to preserve all of the vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other essential fatty acids in our oils. By implementing strict quality control systems during every process we have established steady production lines.
" Always seek for improvement "
Проект: Предприятие за производство на биологични студено пресовани растителни масла
Договор за финансова помощ: 16/04/2/0/00422 от 02.12.2016 г.
Бенефициент: "ЕКОЛА МС" ООД
Източник на финансиране: Програма за развитие на селските райони 2014-2020
Мярка: 4. Инвестиции в материали активи от Програмата за развитие на селските райони 2014-2020
Подмярка: 4.2 Инвестиции в преработка/маркетинг на селскостопански продукти